Below is a list of research talks I have given.
“Trustworthy Machine Learning: Transparency, Collaboration, and Evaluation”
- University of Cambridge, Centre for Human-Inspired AI. Cambridge, UK. October 2024.
- Universidad de los Andes, Machine Learning Seminar. Bogota, Colombia. December 2024.
- TU Dortmund, RC Trustworthy Data Science Seminar. Dortmund, Germany. July 2024.
- Google, Responsible AI Talk Series. Virtual. July 2024.
- Aalto University, ELISE HCML Workshop. Helsinki, Finland. June 2024.
- KTH Royal Institute of Technology, RPL Summer School. Stockholm, Sweden. June 2024.
- NYU, Center for Data Science Seminar. New York, NY. April 2024.
- Department of Defense, Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office (CDAO). Virtual. February 2024.
- KAUST, Rising Stars in AI Symposium. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. February 2024.
- Instituto dos Advogados de São Paulo - IASP, Seminar. São Paulo, Brazil. December 2023.
“Algorithmic Transparency in Machine Learning”
- NYU, Center for Responsible AI. New York, NY. November 2023.
- House of Lords, Select Committee on AI in Weapon Systems. Cambridge, UK. June 2023.
- Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, C-MInDS Seminar. Mumbai, India. January 2023.
- St. Edmund’s College, Winter Programme on AI. Virtual. December 2022.
- University of Chicago, Chicago Human+AI Lab. Virtual. November 2022.
- Alan Turing Institute, Safe and Ethical AI Programme. Virtual. November 2022.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, AI Ethics and Policy Group. Virtual. October 2022.
- Birbeck, University of London, Workshop on Human Behavioral Aspects of (X)AI. Virtual. September 2022.
- Harvard University, Data to Actionable Knowledge Lab. Cambridge, MA. September 2022.
- Harvard Business School, AI4LIFE Lab. Cambridge, MA. September 2022.
- DeepMind, Ethics Research Team. Virtual. July 2022.
“Challenges and Frontiers in Deploying Transparent Machine Learning”
- University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Summer Programme on AI and Science. Virtual. July 2022.
- University of Bristol, REPHRAIN Masterclass. Virtual. June 2022.
- University of Cambridge, Guest Lecture for MSt in AI Ethics and Society. Cambridge, UK. June 2022.
- University of Manchester, Keynote at Advances in Data Science and AI Conference. Virtual. June 2022.
- Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, Seminar Series. Virtual. June 2022.
- Ada Lovelace Institute, Brown Bag Lunch. Virtual. June 2022.
- Von Hügel Institute, Research Salon on Artificial Intelligence. Cambridge, UK. June 2022.
- Pennsylvania State University, Young Achievers Symposium. Virtual. April 2022. Recording
- UK Ministry of Defense, AI Safety Workshop. Cambridge, UK. March 2022.
- University of Cambridge, Guest Lecture for CDT on AI for Environmental Risks. Virtual. January 2022.
- Huawei, Strategy & Technology Workshop. Virtual. October 2021.
- QuantUniversity, Summer School Speaker Series. Virtual. July 2021. Recording
- Vanguard Health, MedTech Insight Podcast. Virtual. June 2021. Recording
- Technical University of Denmark, ML Seminar on Trustworthiness and Interpretability. Virtual. April 2021.
- Harvard SEAS, Guest Lecture for Interpretable Machine Learning. Virtual. April 2021.
- Imperial College, Explainable AI Seminar. Virtual. February 2021.
- Cambridge Department of Chemical Engineering, ML+Chemistry Reading Group. Virtual. October 2020.
- Cambridge Observatory for Human-Machine Collaboration, Launch Keynote. Virtual. September 2020.
- Partnership on AI. Virtual. August 2020. Recording
- Robust and Responsible AI (Rsqrd) Developers Meetup, Keynote. Virtual. July 2020. Recording
- ICML Workshop on Extending Explainable AI, Keynote. Virtual. July 2020.
- QuantumBlack (McKinsey), AI Seminar. London, UK. May 2020.
“Explainable Machine Learning in Deployment”
- Mozilla All-Hands Meeting, Keynote. Virtual. June 2020.
- IBM+Partnership on AI Explainable AI Workshop. New York, NY. February 2020.
- ACM FAccT. Barcelona, Spain. January 2020. Recording
- Partnership on AI, All Partners Meeting. London, UK. September 2019.
“Aggregating Feature-based Explanations”
- International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Virtual. July 2020.
- Partnership on AI. San Francisco, CA. July 2019.
- Fiddler Labs. Palo Alto, CA. May 2019.
- University of Cambridge. Cambridge, UK. April 2019.
- AAAI, Spring Symposium on Interpretable AI. Stanford, CA. March 2019.
- Carnegie Mellon University. Pittsburgh, PA. March 2019.
“Neural Information Flow”
- Element AI. Toronto, Canada. December 2018.
- Carnegie Mellon University. Pittsburgh, PA. November 2018.
“Maintaining the Humanity of Our Models”
- AILA, Symposium on Creating a Fair and Ethical Future. Pasadena, CA. October 2018.
- AAAI, Spring Symposium on AI and Society. Stanford, CA. March 2018.
- Carnegie Mellon University. Pittsburgh, PA. February 2018.
“Intelligent Pothole Detection”
- University of Chicago, Data Science for Social Good. Chicago, IL. October 2017.
- Bloomberg, Data for Good Exchange. New York, NY. September 2017.
- Carnegie Mellon University. Pittsburgh, PA. September 2017.